Day 3, Futures Academy: Using research to inspire ideas

Great to see new faces at this morning’s stand up. The team are looking forward to seeing more members of Corporate Development and the wider organisation at tomorrow’s stand up and Friday’s show and tell.

Sketching ideas

Our first activity was to review and theme the user research from yesterday using an Affinity Map. This is a design tool that is used to interpret research and helped the team identify insights (short statements that give a shared understanding of the problem and help to come up with ideas for how to solve these).

The team had a second opportunity to create How Might We statements based on the insights. As Nicole put it: “Compared to our How Might We statements on the first day, today’s are written in an informed way and focused on the user need. You can tell we have spoken to users.”

Day 3: sketching out ideas

We learned how to communicate ideas visually by sketching. This helped us to warm up before we started creating ideas. We used the How Might We statements to guide our ideation exercises. Though the sketching was a lot of fun everyone recognised it would take practice before feeling confident to start doing so at work.

The team is starting to consider how we will be able to help others adopt these new ways of working across the organisation and work collaboratively creating services that work for users, regardless of their role or seniority. We are very keen to have that conversation across Essex County Council during our show and tell on Friday at 2:30pm at room C309.

What happens tomorrow

Next we will continue to generate more ideas and will start to make them tangible through prototypes. To make sure that we are in the right direction, we will test these prototypes with users.

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