I'm leaving Essex but staying Agile

Way back in March, Simmone and I blogged about the challenges facing project managers joining an agile team.

It's high time to let you all know how I have been getting on, not least because I'm leaving my role, and Essex County Council, at the end of this week.  I've been 'gently nudged' to provide some words.

Special delivery

As a delivery manager it's hard to provide items that are ‘noteworthy’ for weeknotes. In fact a huge part of the job is to make sure nothing apart from smooth completion of tasks is ‘noteworthy’.

It’s fair to say that I am leaving ECC on a high note.  In my earlier post I talked about joining the fledgling service design team working to build a new

The dreams that early team had have now been realised. The website is live, and we're a fully-functioning multi-disciplinary team embedding itself in the wider organisation.

Abiding Agile

Prepping my notes and guidance for my successors has shown me how much I have learnt in such a small space of time.  I hope I've provided the best start possible for the next wave of delivery managers in the team.

Will I now be always working in an agile team?  No.

Will I be always looking to see if the tools I have developed here can continue to help solve problem?  Absolutely.

I've learned if we're not sure where to start, it's fine to iterate until we do.

Want to make sure your team members are effective? Provide them the environment where they can get on with what they do best.

Suspect the customer may not be listened to?  Push for testing and research with customers to validate our assumptions.

Matt's final thought

Being able to use my drive, honesty, and bad puns to help the team achieve has been great. The 'servant leader' is more than a concept to me now. The team have been generous with their time and knowledge, even when I have asked the same questions.

They have also made their appreciation of my work clear, which throughout the project has inspired me.

It would be remiss to not highlight Helen, Head Product Manager, for leading by example.  Without her copious support, I would not have thrived as much as I have.

As a wise philosopher once said, take care of yourself and each other.

A picture of Matt Cole smiling

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  1. Comment by Bhupinder posted on

    Thank you for the ban puns Matt. They will be missed. Wishing you all the best for the future! Bhupinder

    • Replies to Bhupinder>

      Comment by Mr M P Cole Esq posted on

      Thanks Bhupinder 🙂


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