Weeknotes 2-6 December

As winter really takes hold, the team’s been rattled with coughs and sneezes this week, but we’ve got an update that’s not to be sniffed at.

Financial assessments

We had the Financial Assessments show and tell on Monday. There was a really good turn out and people seemed genuinely interested in how the project was progressing. Caroline A arranged some A/B testing of 2 financial assessment letters with users and practitioners. She’s also looking to recruit more users to test financial assessment comms with. The team is preparing for a visit to some social workers in Braintree next week, which should be really exciting.

We’ve been focussing on getting the first round of 3 and 6 month content reviews done. These will be fed back to service areas, and will hopefully provide a really good insight into how the new content is performing.

If we notice any areas for improvement, we’ll work these up into recommendations and iterate on them.

This process is vital to ensure that the content remains fresh and effective.

Essex Highways: report it

On Monday we had a content workshop. It was good to get everyone involved and agree on content types and all the common fields for each one. We've arranged a follow up workshop and invited the key stakeholders along to get them involved. 

I've been going through the written comms and automated messaging for the new tool.

Team highlight

I don’t want to spoil any Christmas surprises, but this week we’ve been planning a real cracker of an end of year show and tell.

It’s going to be a whole team effort, so you can expect to be dazzled and enthralled.

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1 comment

  1. Comment by Mr M P Cole Esq posted on

    Nice work! Keep it going!


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