Weeknotes 9-13 December

This week the office has been abuzz with election talk.  We've been ticking all the right boxes to ensure we're still in poll position.


It’s been an exciting week for us as we had our kick-off meeting with Nomensa, our accessibility partner. In the New Year, we will be taking part in a workshop with them and other colleagues from Service Design, Tech Services and the Content team. Exciting times! 

We’ve getting accessibility statements prepared for Explore Essex and Essex 2020 both of which will be published shortly and battling Siteimprove platform issues. 

Transforming Adult Social Care  

This week we've spent two days in Harlow along with colleagues in Futuregov – together we make up the Design Team for the Transforming Adult Social Care (TASC) programme. 

In Harlow we are looking for potential users who would like to be involved in experiments we are facilitating in January through to February 2020. One of the experiments we be taking residents and community groups through a participatory design journey.

We will set them a challenge brief which will be focused around community resilience and facilitate a series of workshops to get residents to research, design and develop a prototype to answer the challenge set.  

Service Patterns  

We have continued working on Book Something with our colleagues in Technology Services. This week we have roughly sketched what a “book onto an event” journey will look like to the Skyropes service by using the Service Pattern for Book Something we had previously created.

From these sketches we can start to think about what functionality is important from a booking platform to create a good user experience for booking onto an event.

We've been hard at work compiling our 6 month content reviews to see how different areas of the website are performing. This is really vital to ensure that all our content is in tip top shape.

At the end of this we should come out with some recommendations for what to do next.

Essex Highways: report it 

Julie’s done some great work recruiting users to help test the new tool. We're planning the research activities to get them involved in the new year. 

We will be having second content workshop on Monday. We will be looking at topic categories for landing pages and simplifying written communications. 

Team highlight

It's been a busy year in the Service Design team. We've done some great things and worked with some fantastic people.

We've been channeling our achievements into our end of year show and tell. Come along, 10 am Tuesday 17 December, E1 Zone 3. I'm reliably informed there'll be mince pies.

As well as looking back, we've all very much been looking forward to our away day/Christmas party next Wednesday. We'll be sure to share some pictures!

Wherever the year's taken you, we hope you enjoy the break, and we'll see you for more of the same in the new year.


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