Designing an accessible intranet

Working with users from the get go Helen, Caroline and Hannah show us how they are collaborating in designing our intranet with accessibility at the forefront.
Working with users from the get go Helen, Caroline and Hannah show us how they are collaborating in designing our intranet with accessibility at the forefront.
Today we’re sharing the first of our new user research templates and guides. We designed these for teams working within the council, and they can easily be adapted for teams working in other councils. You’ll find these on GitHub. Download …
What is a card sort? Card sorts are a generative research technique we use in early-stage user research. We give participants a selection of pages from a website and ask them to organise the information into groups that make sense …
Testing assumptions and learning that its ok to get things wrong early. See how Service Transformation found that testing does not require huge amounts of effort or time.
Discovering what a local offer should look like for families who have children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) so they can access all different kinds of information, advice and support.
Our User Researchers spoke with colleagues at the charity Shelter about our user research panel: here is a summary of what they connected about.
There was a concern that Essex residents might not be self-isolating when they should. In this blog, the team outline how they used research and design on the front line in the fight against corona virus.
Narelle Ong talks candidly about the insights and reflections the user research team gained, if they had there time again working in a crisis.
We're going into 2021 feeling hopeful. We've got 2 new leads, a digital analyst and a front-end developer. So, meet Emma, Ert, Laura and Thomas.
When events speed up, it's vital users don't get left behind. User researcher, Narelle Ong, gives us her tips for delivering top notch research in a crisis.