Weeknotes 29 April-3 May
We're settling in to our new space, but we've not slackened the pace as we get everything prepared for essex.gov.uk's go-live date. Find out what we've been up to this week.
We're settling in to our new space, but we've not slackened the pace as we get everything prepared for essex.gov.uk's go-live date. Find out what we've been up to this week.
Another short week, but we're rumbling ever closer to being ready to share essex.gov.uk with the world. Here's what we've been up to.
It's been a short week but we've managed to deploy, review and welcome some new arrivals. Have a read what we've been up to.
We're hurtling through the beta phase of the essex.gov.uk project, so we thought we'd take a breath to let you know what we've been up to this week.