Talking to colleagues at Shelter about our user research panel
Our User Researchers spoke with colleagues at the charity Shelter about our user research panel: here is a summary of what they connected about.
Our User Researchers spoke with colleagues at the charity Shelter about our user research panel: here is a summary of what they connected about.
This week's show and tell was all about user research. Narelle Ong (formerly of Research and Citizen Insight) joined the team in July as lead user researcher: it's her job to help the team understand what the users need, and …
I’m Narelle Ong and I’m the User Researcher in the Service Design team. It’s my job to help the whole service design team to understand the needs of our users, ensure we have these at the heart of our work, and that everything we build is robustly tested with them. In this post I’ll tell you about developing a pool of testers to support the work of the team.