Intranet Discovery - Week Notes

The Intranet Discovery Week Notes are your opportunity to find out how the project is progressing in each sprint.
The Intranet Discovery Week Notes are your opportunity to find out how the project is progressing in each sprint.
Here at Essex County Council (ECC) the platforms that we use are the cornerstone of information and function. The platforms enable our staff to do their jobs and for residents they become a vital source of relevant information to interact …
We've untacked the tinsel and tidied away the selection boxes ready for a lean, mean start to 2020. See what we've been up to this week.
We've decked County Hall with boughs of holly for our final weeknotes of 2019. Find out what we've been up to.
Never mind the ballots, in Service Design we've been staying focused on delivering for the user. Find out what we've been up to this week.
As winter bites, we've been battling raw noses and sore throats to bring you a weekly update that's not to be sniffed at. Find out what we've been up to.
We've had a busy week in Service Design. Find out what we've been up to.
The Christmas lights are twinkling and there's freezing fog on the river. While Chelmsford's starting to feel festive, we've been jolly busy. See what we've been up to this week.
In the Service Design team, we think you learn by doing. This week we've been showcasing that at LearnFest as well as doing lots of other exciting stuff. Find out what we've been up to.
We’ve had a week to remember, with a few new guys joining us to make it go with a bang. Find out what we've been up to.