Weeknotes 28 October-1 November

Things have been getting spooky in the Service Design team this week. Delve into our Shrieknotes to catch up with our ghastly goings-on.
Things have been getting spooky in the Service Design team this week. Delve into our Shrieknotes to catch up with our ghastly goings-on.
There's a lot going on in the Service Design team. Find out what we've been up to this week.
This week we've been sketching out our vision for the team. Find out what else we've been up to.
Weeknotes has iterated. Have a nosy at what we've been up to, and see what you think.
October's arrived and we're saying some goodbyes, as well as doing a whole heap of interesting stuff. Find out what we've been up to.
Some user-research synthesis has set the post-its swirling in Chelmsford this week. Find out what else we've been up to.
While the temperature has cooled down this week we’ve just been warming up in the office, with the team busy in workshops, user research interviews and all manner of other things in-between.
There’s a bit of a bite back in the air in Chelmsford, and we’ve plenty to get our teeth into. See what we've been up to this week.
A short week means a mini weeknotes. Find out what we've been up to.
This week we've been iterating, ideating and educating. Find out more.